We develop and apply custom coatings formulated to meet your specific needs so your film products deliver optimum performance. Here are a few reasons why Strata should be your partner in the converting industry

Capable of coating plastic film 48 gauge to 30 mils

A custom coating is formulated for every project to meet your specifications and product application

Many ASTM tests can be done in house saving time and money

All incoming film is carefully inspected to insure specifications are met

Films are coated in a Class 10,000 (ISO 7) clean room

Coatings are developed on the same machine that they are applied in production

Full computer control with on-line data acquisition of all process parameters

A run-time report is generated for every roll with all parameters logged


If you have questions, we have answers. Reach out and let’s start the conversation! 


(540) 343-3456


For trade show displays to withstand years of use, they must be laminated with film having a very durable finish. Most hardcoats lack this durability and are too glossy under show lighting. Strata’s matte hardcoat was specifically designed for this application. It reduces the gloss level to 1/10th of the standard making it soothing to the eyes, yet still looks great after years of use.

Dry erase and children’s activity boards not only require a dry erase surface, but one that can be easily cleaned when marked with crayons, pencils, pens and permanent markers. Strata’s custom formulation for PlayScapes™ can even be cleaned with harsh solvents and still not “ghost” after erasing.